The History of Zero
Ancient Chinese
Zero as a Place Holder The Chinese used a counting board to do
their math, and an additive system to write their numbers. There was a symbol for 1 and a symbol for five
and these symbols were added together to form symbols for other numbers up to
9. The numbers were actually rods arranged on a counting board which ran from
left to right. Any missing places were
left blank on the counting board. Ancient Indian
Zero as a Place Holder Modern positional notation, where each digit
has a varying value depending upon its position in the representation of
number, is simply the notation of the counting board made permanent. All that is needed to transfer a number
from the board to paper is ten different symbols; one, two three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or nine beads, or no beads at all. The column can be empty, and the tenth
symbol must of necessity be a symbol for such an empty column. Otherwise, it would be impossible to
distinguish among the different numbers from the counting board. Without
such symbol, the above example would all on paper be the same: 234. With a symbol, they are easily distinguishable
as 2,340, 2,034, 2,304. It would seem that the first time anyone
wanted to record a number obtained on a counting board, he would
automatically must put down a symbol of some sort –a dash, a dot, or a circle
–for that empty column, which we today represent by zero (0): But, in the thousands of years, nobody
did. The earliest text to
use a decimal place-value system, including a symbol for the empty column, is the Lokavibhāga,
a Jain text
surviving in a medieval Sanskrit translation of the Prakrit
original, which is internally dated to AD 458 (Saka era
380). In this text, śūnya
("void, empty") is also used to refer to this empty column. It has been pointed out by some that the invention
of a symbol for nothing, the void, was one for which his philosophy and
religion had peculiarly prepared the Hindu.
But, it must be understood that dot śūnya which the Hindu created was
not the number zero. It was merely a
mechanical device to indicate an empty space and that was that the word
itself meant --empty. The Indians
still use the same word and symbol for the unknown in an equation --what we
usually refer as x --the reason being that until a space is filled with a
proper number, it is considered empty.
With śūnya, the symbol zero had been
invented; but the number zero was yet to be discovered. Modern Zero as
a Decimal Number The historian Will Durant wrote: << In 773, at al-Mansur's behest, translations
were made of the Siddhantas Indian astronomical treatises dating as far back
as 425 B.C.; these versions may have been the vehicle through which the
"Arabic" numerals and the zero were brought from India into
Islam. In 813 al-Khwarizmi used the
Hindu numerals in his astronomical tables; about 825 he issued a treatise
known in its Latin form as Algoritmi de numero Indorum -- "Al-Khwarizmi on the Numerals of the Indians"; in time
algorithm or algorism came to mean any arithmetical system based on the
decimal notation. In 976 Muhammad ibn
Ahmad, in his Keys of the Sciences, remarked that if, in a calculation, no
number appears in the place of tens, a little circle
should be used “to keep the rows.” >> ~(‘The Story of Civilization’, Volume 4, 'The Age of Faith' pp. 241) This is the first time that zero was put as
a decimal number in writing on a piece of paper.
So, 10, 100, 1000 means something. That something is base 10 numbering. Roman Numeral X was replaced by 10 and XX with 20. Al-Khwarizmi also contributed algebra to it. Algebra was in turn gave way to binary number. Binary numbers became symbols for light on or off. Now computer are communicating with these binary numbers. That means, you are reading this because of the contribution of 0 as a number by the Muslims.
Transmission to Europe The Hindu–Arabic numeral system (base 10)
reached Europe in the 11th century, via the Iberian Peninsula through Spanish Muslims, the Moors, together
with knowledge of astronomy and instruments like the astrolabe,
first imported by Gerbert of Aurillac. For this reason, the
numerals came to be known in Europe as "Arabic numerals". The
Italian mathematician Fibonacci or Leonardo of Pisa was instrumental in
bringing the system into European mathematics in 1202. In Europe, the number 10 was X and the
number 20 was XX, etc. They only knew numbers in that way. Muslims were the
first to use zero as a space holder in decimals like 10, 100, 1000, etc. Then the Muslims brought this gift of zero
and Algebra to the Europeans in or around 1500. Afterwards, one European,
named Boolean, enhanced the Algebra with Boolean Algebra. Boolean Algebra is
the calculation of numbers with zeros and ones. Fast forward, now, we have computers.
Computers communicate with zeros and ones (0101001). Zero means the light is
off and 1 means the light is on. When I push "A", my computer turns
the light on and off 10 times and sends this as a digital signal to your
computer. Zero and
Computers Computers communicate with each other with
lights (Fiber Optics) or Electrical Signals. The advantage of using light is
you can beam it through satellites, just as you would beam light through
mirrors. When you see lights turning on and off very quickly in a network, it
means there is a network communication of different computers. This OFF and
ON is represented by 0s and 1s, respectively. Calculating with 0s and 1s is
called [[Boolean algebra]]. In a computer, ON means 1 and OFF means 0. One
English alphabet is represented by a bunch of binary numbers. For example,
A=01000001, B=01000010, C=01000011 etc. etc. So, when you push the alphabet
“A” on the computer, there is a cut off time, and this is “01000001”. One computer sends this binary number
(“01000001”) and the receiving computer interprets it to “A”. Each color has
its own binary numbers. That is what it means when we say that a camera is a
digital camera --it simply means, it understands binary numbers. However,
since we cannot write with binary numbers, we must use computer languages to
write the binary numbers in the computers for us. The computer languages in turn
work between the users and the computers. In other words, as you are reading
this, behind this page, there is a computer language page; behind that
computer language page, there is a binary number language page; behind that
binary number language, there is 0s and 1s page; and behind 0s and 1s, there
is light on and off page. More info: For the early Chinese math and history of
zero, read: For more readings, see, From Zero to
Infinity: What Makes Numbers Int…(Paperback) by Constance Reid |