The Foundation of all Civilizations is Religion

As we shall see this in retrospect with concrete historical proofs, there has never been a civilization in the history of the world, no matter how pragmatic, experimentalist and multi-form it may have been, that did not derive its first thrust from some foundational interpretation of religion.  We can also identify the destructive forces that characterize the collapse and fall of civilizations are the consequence of refusal to answer to the expectation of a new age that is brought by a new Messenger of God.  In other words, each great civilization of the past fell into chaos and declined into confusion after refusing to follow the instructions of the a new Messenger of God.

Indeed, the initial inspiration behind all civilizations in the history of the world is driven from some foundational interpretation of religion.  It is indisputable fact and also most fascinating to learn that each major world religion --Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam-- has given birth to great civilizations.  These historic civilizations all have certain things in common.

Each, in its turn, absorbed and unified hundreds of warring ethnic groups into a spiritual brotherhood.  Each later declined and decayed, to become more a source of conflict than of cooperation.  This cyclic rise and fall of civilizations --deriving their initial impulse from religion-- has largely shaped the history of modern world.  For example, the Hebrew culture derived from Judaism, fertilized the philosophy of ancient Greece and left a code of law that became the basis for every modern legal system. When the Roman Empire collapsed, Christianity rose from its rubble, founded the new world of the West and institutionalized a spirit of charity and philanthropy that still survive to this day. As the Western Europe sank into the Dark Ages, Islam molded primitive Arab tribes into an empire more vast than that of Rome at its peak, adorned its cities with flourishing architectures, universities and libraries, invented soap, algebra, zero, banking, Arabic numerals, and hundreds of modern conveniences, and (during its centuries stay in Spain) triggered Europe‘s Renaissance and the discovery of America.’ Moreover, it was Islam that introduced nationalism in the modern sense -a concept that, whatever its limitations, has spurred social and economic developments throughout the world.

In the introduction of his book, “Guns, Germs and Steel”, Yali (an aborigine of Papua New Guinea) asks Jared Diamond (a white man), “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?”

This is the question of civilization. The short answer is because the white people have been civilized by modern religions while the aborigines of Papua New Guinea had no religion or their religion was too old and forgotten.

There are two large tribal groups living in the Southwestern part of Ethiopia called Omo and Afar.  Both have an identical tradition for becoming engaged. When an Omo young man decides to get married, tradition dictates that he must present to his intended bride a severed genitalia of a man whom he has personally killed. If another man brings her more than one, she would marry the latter. She, in turn, suspends the gift by a string so that, as she grinds grain, it bumps against her forehead with each stroke, thus assuring, in some mysterious fashion, her future fertility.

On July 28, 2017, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported the following story about a pagan tribe in a place called Benshangul-Gumez.

BENISHANGUL-GUMUZ, Ethiopia – Three times, Abebech Kabla has given birth alone in the woods. Each time, she thought she might die. The first time, she was only 13 years old, a year into her marriage.

“Even after giving birth, I didn't go back to my house for seven days until I became clean from blood,” she said.

Ms. Abebech belongs to the Gumuz ethnic group in western Ethiopia. Many members of her community believe a woman’s blood is cursed.

During menstruation, a woman is expected to leave the home. She may even be handed food with a stick so that no one touches her.

And when a pregnant woman goes into labour, she is sent to the bush to give birth by herself. It is thought that if a woman gives birth inside a home, or anywhere near it, her baby could become ill or disabled, or the family could suffer misfortune.

Abebech Kabla has given birth three times in the woods, alone. For her fourth child, she refused. UNFPA Ethiopia/Meron Negash

Not everyone shares these beliefs, but they are widespread enough to cause enormous suffering.

Ms. Abebech tells the story of one friend whose baby was in the wrong position during labour. Alone, in the wilderness, the woman died tried to give birth.

As can be attested by many historians, the northern part of Abyssinia (today occupied by Ethiopia and Eritrea), nevertheless,  is “one of the world's oldest and richest cultural traditions”. [1]   The Persian religious figure Mani (c. 210–276 AD) listed “Aksum [Northern Ethiopian city] with Rome, Persia, and China as one of the four great powers of his time.” [2] The only difference is because the Northern part of Ethiopia was influenced by Judaism and Christianity while the Southern part was not. Even in the last two centuries, the South still lagged behind while the north progressed.

Another mighty proof of historical evidence is the history of pre-Islamic Arabs. During the pre-Islamic Era in the ‘Arabian Peninsula, the ‘Arab tribes were very backward and primitive in terms of superstition, savagery and barbarism. The practice of ritual cannibalism and the making of jewelries and talisman from human body parts was rampant. [3]  Folly believing that women were a curse from their gods, these savage 'Arabs used to bury their infant daughters alive. In doing so, they take a great pleasure as if it was something to be proud of. Even in the animal world, you would not expect the parents to kill their own baby, let alone burry it alive.  As it can be confirmed from the Qur’an, during that time, whenever an 'Arab man hears that his wife has given birth to a daughter, he becomes so saddened: his face darkens and he is filled with inward grief! He hides himself from his people because of the evil news he has been informed of! Shall he keep her with dishonor and shame, or bury her in the earth? Certainly evil is their decision?” (16: 58-59). [4] Thus many of the men would kill both the mother and the daughter if the mother gives birth to a girl. Furthermore, if a man was to marry as many as a thousand women, it was acceptable. They would kill their enemies and keep the women as their war booty. Most of them had at least ten wives. You can imagine how the inevitable hatred and enmity that developed in such a large families between the wives and the children. After the spread of Islam, the Moslems led the world with their unchallenged ascendancy in all fields of sciences.

Moreover, it was Zoroastrian religion that made the Persians the first most civilized people in the known world.  As attested by the annals of the world’s most illustrious historians, the first government to be established on earth, the foremost empire to be organized among the nations, was Persia’s throne and diadem.  Aside from that which is a matter of record in Persian histories, according to the Bible, Persia is also a place where Abraham and Daniel, the two great prophets of God, lived. Moreover, it is also stated in the Old Testament that in the time of Cyrus, called in Iranian works Bahman son of Isfandíyár, the three hundred and sixty divisions of the Persian Empire extended from the inner confines of India and China to the farthermost reaches of Yemen and Abyssinia. [5]  Zoroastrian priests, (also called Magi” or wise men from East”), were also mentioned in Daniel --Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who served as wise-men/advisors in the royal court of Babylon, with Daniel in charge of them all. [6]  The magi are also known in the New Testament.  They were the three wise men who came from the East to bring gifts to Jesus Christ, the Babe in the manger.  They were the first to recognize Jesus as a King of Kings.  Thus, they invented the art of giving Christmas presents. [7]  Miriam Webster Dictionary defines “Magi”, “A caste of priests and sages among the ancient Persians.” [8]

Before, the Western academics used to teach that it was religion that civilized people.  They used to teach, it was religion rather than agriculture that gave rise to impulse for people to gather in large groups and eventually form civilizations.  However, it was because they wanted to separate religion from science that they started to ignore the role of religions in civilizing people.   A fish may deny the existence of the water upon which its life absolutely dependent the same way, materialists can deny the existence of the influence of religion upon which their entire civilization has been built.  

On one occasion, Abdul-Baha said, “One who does not know God's Messengers, however, is like a plant growing in the shade. Although it knows not the sun, it is, nevertheless, absolutely dependent on it.  The great Prophets are spirits suns, and Bahá'u'lláh is the sun of this “day" in which we live.  The suns of former days have warmed and vivified the world, and had those suns not shone, the earth would not be cold and dead, but it is the sunshine of today that alone can ripen the fruits which the suns of former days have kissed into life. [9]

If Karl Marx had been brought up among the pagans, he would not have been the same Karl Marx as we know him today.  In other words, Karl Marx may deny the foundation of the civilization upon which he was absolutely dependent for his intellectual cultivation; therewith, he can only deceive himself.

Socrates leaned about the oneness of God, as well as his wisdom, from the Jews.  In this connection, Abdu'l-Baha has written:

<< In the splendor of the reign of Solomon their [Jews] sciences and arts advanced to such a degree that even the Greek philosophers journeyed to Jerusalem to sit at the feet of the Hebrew sages and acquire the basis of Israelites’ law. According to eastern history this is an established fact. Even Socrates visited the Jewish doctors in the Holy Land, consorting with them and discussing the principles and basis of their religious belief. After his return to Greece he formulated his philosophical teaching of divine unity and advanced his belief in the immortality of the spirit beyond the dissolution of the body. Without doubt Socrates absorbed these verities from the wise men of the Jews with whom he came in contact. Hippocrates and other philosophers of the Greeks likewise visited Palestine and acquired wisdom from the Jewish prophets, studying the basis of ethics and morality, returning to their country with contributions which have made Greece famous. >> [10]

<< And this is authentic; for the Greeks believed in many gods, and Socrates established the fact that God is one, which obviously was in conflict with Greek beliefs.

The Founder of monotheism was Abraham; it is to Him that this concept can be traced, and the belief was current among the Children of Israel, even in the days of Socrates. 

>> [11]

It is well known fact that, in Europe, most of the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers were lost during the Dark Ages. However, the Arabs preserved them and passed them to our generation by translating them into Arabic. Muslims historians such as Abu'l-Fath-i-Shahristani (1076-1153 A.D.) and Imadu'd-Din Abu'l-Fida (1273-1331 A.D.) have written that the Greek philosophers have learned their wisdom and the oneness of God from the Jews.

Just ask yourself, Socrates was not a prophet of God. If he was not a prophet of God, how could he know about the oneness of God? Air is lighter than cotton; cotton is lighter than rock; and rock is lighter than metal.  However, God is not something you can see or touch or test with any of your five senses.   All our discoveries are based on one of our five senses.  Socrates could not just come up with the idea of the oneness of God out of the blue. If he did, he must have been lying. People learn from other people.

First the Western scholars used to teach that it was religion that civilized mankind. However, in the past 100 years or so, in order to separate religion from science, they started to totally ignore the role of religion in civilizing mankind. Accordingly, when they teach you history, they teach you the whole truth. They simply dodge any mention of God or religion.

There are many more other historical evidences where people that refused to progress into a new Revelation lagged behind those who accepted the New Revelation. We can bring many other historical facts that support our assertion.  The history of those ancient times shows the prevalence of such customs as worshiping stars, trees, witchcraft, voodoo, services of genii, and controlling of spirits; avoiding strangers, prohibit the touching of others, even though they were of the same race, country and religion(ancient Indians); the enjoyments of the tearing into pieces of humans by savage animals or by savage men in spectacle sports (pre-Christian Romans); the burning of the living and the dead together (ancient Indians);  the burning of  human beings alive (ancient Greece); the burial of human being alive (ancient Chinese); cannibalism (islands of Pacific); the practice and belief of violating chaste women in the cult of goddess of Beauty (some tribes of ancient Africa); the practice the of the offering of a severed private parts of a man as gifts (ancient southern Ethiopians); the drinking of oxen's blood and urine and make the ablution of the face therewith (ancient Persians and southern Ethiopians); the burying of infant girls alive (ancient pre-Islamic Arabs);  head hunting (pre-Christian Europeans); the belief in reincarnation, transmigration of souls, transformation of embodiments (ancient Chinese, Indians); and many similar unspeakable practices too gory and too numerous to mention one by one.

Right now as we speak (2016), in Juba (S. Sudan), 300 people are murdered in one night because they belong to the wrong tribe; another 400 females are raped, because they belong to a different tribe. These people were doing these things for hundreds of years. It's just because of TV that we start to see them. The reason why they are still acting like savage animals is because they did not have any religion to tell them what is good and what is evil. 

The last Christian missionaries reached Central Africa around 1844.  The reason they could not penetrate inside Africa is because it was thick jungle, with high mountains and deep waterfalls.  They were also afraid of Malaria.  It was only after they developed their technologies and discovered the treatment and cure for malaria that they were able to penetrate and travel inside Africa and preach the gospel there.  In these Central African States there is a lot of water.  Water means, there is a lot of food.  Fruits and vegetables grow by themselves.  There are many gardens without farmers or owners.  It is a land of honey and milk.  One farmer owns 1000 livestock.   Another one owns 700. Then one would invade the other and they’d start war. Once they start war, they’d never stop. In 1994, an estimated of 1,000,000 Rwandans were killed during the 100-day period tribal war. If there was no TV or Internet, the world would not know about this. But, that has been their way of life as long as we know their history.

The core of truth, the essential mystery of a religion, is beyond the reach of science. There are no scientific criteria for a religion's claim to truth; it can be neither proven nor disproven scientifically. Scholars working in the field of religious studies can investigate and describe only the historical, phenomenological, and sociological aspects of their subject. The academic discipline of religious studies is by nature descriptive, narrative and comparative.

The progress of science, however, always depends on the progress of religion. If someone tells us that there are group of people who have no religion at all, we can immediately assume that their sciences are also very primitive.

According the BBC news report, in the island of Erromango (near Papua New Gene), the descendants of Aborigines that cannibalized the Christians missionaries asked for forgiveness from the descendants of Christian missionaries.

The reason why the cannibals lagged behind in civilization is because they had no religion or their religion was too old and forgotten. The early Christian missionaries went to Papua New Gene and they were eaten by the cannibals. Another group of missionaries went there and they were also cannibalized. A third group went there; but this time, the cannibals became Christians. Then Christians built churches for them. They also started educating them, reading, writing, math, etc. Now, it was the Christians that made them civilized. But, who do you think would take the credit? The philosophers! They'd claim, the reason why they became civilized is because they decided to move from hunter-gatherer life to farmers. Then, they'd claim, once they became farmers, they started living together and putting rules and regulation. They also created religion to control the people by an ideal God and fear of hell and reward of heaven. But, that's not true. The truth of the matter is that it was religion that taught them rules and regulations of communal living. It was religion that taught them to do good and to avoid evil. It was religion that taught them that there is punishment or reward after they die. There is no philosophy that teaches about the life after death. This field is exclusively taught by the Prophets of God. It was religion that made them progress from cannibalism to civilization.

There is no doubt, in the ancient of days, there were great philosophers in Greek, Egypt, Persia and Chaldea, who were in those days, the source of sciences and learning; but, they could not deliver their own people, their neighbors and their colonies from these filth of corrupt beliefs, nor purify them from these filth of shameful practices. On the contrary, philosophers have been defenders of such beliefs and shameful practices. They were even eager, sometimes at the risk of their own lives, to present them as alternative lifestyles or to preserve them from any changes, transformation, removal or abolishment. Only the Prophets of the one true God were able to deliver races and societies from these filth of corrupt beliefs and able to purify them from these shameful practices. By virtue of their creative powers, the Prophets of God alone were able to extricate these people from the morass into which they had sunk, by transforming their outlooks, ennobling their cultures, redirecting their energies, and cultivating their minds and souls. Once the ground is fertilized, then learning and sciences flourish and great thinkers are produced --such as Amadeus Mozart, Sir Isaac Newton, Karl Marx, etc. etc.

True, one can be caught in the Marxist trap of economic determinism, and accept with too great a fervor the mechanistic orderings of overzealous economists and highly imaginative sociologists.  Modern Philosophers, such as, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and  Sigmund Freud, for instance, brought their great erudition and vast knowledge to defeat the thesis that links religion and civilization. In their attempt to discredit religion, they have used a sledge-hammer to crack a tiny nut.  However, there is no evidence in support of theirs theory.  If you ask them this simple question: “Where is the place, the time, and the people that became civilized without the influence of religion?  They have no answer.

Quite the contrary,  it is now established beyond doubt that the civilization of the Europeans was founded on Christianity; the civilization of the Middle Eastern people was founded on Islam; and the civilizations of the Far East were founded on Hinduism and Buddhism.

Even in our modern day and age, we can readily see the influence of religion in our social groupings. Indeed, each social grouping has a form of religious foundation. For example, the national flag parallels to the cross; the national anthem parallels to the religious hymn; the recital of pledge of allegiance parallels to the Lord’s Prayer. Even in the modern world, where the tie of the state and religion is not so strong, there exists some form of reinterpreted irreligion-religion that must act as a substitute. In Nazi Germany, the civil theology was based upon a nationalist and racist mythology. Marxism is a civil religion with a civil theology that also sees itself as leading the world towards social salvation. In United States it is ‘capitalism’ and ‘democracy’ that are the key doctrines of civil theology, which is essentially a mythology. The substitutes for saints in communism are Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin. For capitalism, they are George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. When one community becomes very devout to their religion, they try to spread it all over the world by different means. When one community is not so strong in religion, they try to spread their ideologies (such as communism or capitalism) across the world by different means.

In the ancient days, the Egyptian and the Greek people were the most advanced. One can ask: ‘since did they not worship God the way He wants to be worshipped how did they become so civilized?’ But, since they could not comprehend the concept of God, other than through idols they worshiped, nevertheless, they were the only people close to God and His ways than any other society at that time. However, when Moses came to Egypt, the people of Egypt refused to accept Him.  Despite many warnings of impending catastrophe, they refused to accept the oneness of God.  Thus, due to their failure to recognize Mosses and accept the oneness of God, they perished into an ocean of ignorance.  Therefore, the meaning of the Pharaoh's and his armies perishing into the ocean of the Red Sea is an allegory of their decline into ignorance.  Right after they failed to recognize Mosses, they started to decline and all their knowledge went into oblivion.  Similarly, the decline of Greek civilization can also be linked with the coming of Jesus and the decline of Europe into ‘Dark Ages’ can be linked with the coming of Mohammad.  In fact, all declines of civilization are directly or indirectly linked with the coming of a Messenger of God.

In life, there is birth, growth, decline, and death.  Everything must pass through that process.   There is nothing that could escape that process and religion is not an exception.  Every religion also must pass through the process of birth, growth, decline and death.  Mohammad makes it plain that this process is not confined to a particular period of time or a particular place.  In Surah 10:47, He states, To every people (was sent) a Messenger: when their Messenger comes (before them), the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.

In other words, the opportunity to receive guidance and the responsibility of the people (nation or tribe) to recognize the Messenger and accept His guidance is universally applicable to all the regions of the earth, even to prehistory societies. This has been proven by archeologist as the remnants of past great civilizations are still being unearthed along with their laws, traditions, and beliefs. 

In the times of the Buddha and Krishna, the civilization in Asia and in the East was very much higher than in the West and ideas and thoughts of the Eastern peoples were much in advance of, and nearer to the teachings of, God than those of the West.  But as time passed superstitions started to creep into the religions and ideals of the East, and, from many differing causes, the ideals and characters of the Eastern peoples had gone down and down, lower and lower, while the Western peoples, first triggered by the civilization of Islam, they had been constantly advancing and struggling towards the Light of civilization. Similarly, as superstition, fundamentalism and fanaticism started to creep into Islamic civilization, the civilization of the West became much higher than that of the East, and the ideas and thoughts of the people of the West were much nearer to the teachings of God than those of the East.

Briefly, each of these religious systems arose from the teaching of a single remarkable individual.  Thus, Mosses became the central figure of Judaism, Jesus of Christianity, Muhammad of Islam, Krishna of Hinduism, Buddha of Buddhism and Zoroaster of Zoroastrianism.  Moreover, these spiritual beings displayed uncanny similarities.  Each claims to have derived His influence and authority directly from God.  Each was known for saintly character and intuitive knowledge.  Each was bitterly opposed by the civil and religious authorities of His time.  Each attracted a small community of followers who (often after centuries of struggle) triumphed over persecutions to establish the given faith as a major force in society. Each taught the same spiritual basic concept regarding belief in God, life after death, prayer, self-discipline, ethical principles, such as the Golden rule, and the like.  Each, however, modified the previous religion's social laws and regulations according to the needs of the changed time.  Each reaffirmed the divine origin of the previous religions, and each promised that God would send future Messengers with new fuller revelations.

Looking back in the history of humanity, we find ample evidences of savagery turned into great civilizations by the Prophets of God. For example, at the time of the coming of Jesus, the Romans use to love gruesome brutality and violence. Spontaneous atrocities and deliberate systematic terror have long marked their conquests. The Romans cultivated an image of ruthless barbarities as a calculated strategy to demoralize future victims. A Roman or Greek emperor could sleep with one hundred women, girls, and boys at the same time. [12] The Romans had excelled in such practices. Out of these barbaric people, Jesus has transformed many of them and made them saints. They traveled the world to build schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. No organization could compare with the humanitarian works they have done.  A simple mention of the most main features of their contribution to the expansion of education would suffice to fill a volume and empty the pen.  Who built our first schools? What would happen to the world if there was no education?

Mohammad also has transformed the most savage Arabs to the most civilized people in the world. Over a vast area of the world, extending from the heart of Asia and the boundaries of the Pacific to the shores of the Atlantic, the power of Islam raised men to a high level of achievement and ennobled their lives. Only prejudice can ignore these facts.

All religions provide an answer to questions concerning aims and values of what is the purpose of our physical reality? What is man?  What is the purpose of his existence? To which goal is he striving? They all give objective values according to which man should live? What are they? The answer to the question of man’s origin, nature and destiny has always been an essential the element of religion. The teachings of all religions claim that man has both his origin and his destiny in God. He has been created for eternal life, perfected with free choice; he is the citizen of two worlds, the one immanent and the other transcendent.  The teaching concerning the individual’s responsibility for his own life is as much a component of all revealed religions as the catalogue of virtues which prescribe how his life is to be lived.

The most remarkable parallels among these religions are found in their prophecies concerning the 'Last Days'. Each faith anticipates a culmination of human histories when the earth, as a result of fierce tribulations, will be transformed into paradise and the 'Kingdome of God on earth' [13] in which the nations 'shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore' [14]  The various religions will be gathered under 'one fold and one shepherd' [15] and 'the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.' [16] Substantially identical in prophecies abound not only in the Old and New Testaments but in the scriptures of all the world's historic faiths.

These sample prophecies, with one voice, foretell the appearance of one World Reformer or Divine Teacher destined to initiate the promised changes.  The central hope of every faith revolves around the coming of such a spiritual Leader often identified as the return of the founder of the religion embodying the prophecy.  In Judaism the Promised One is known as the Lord of Hosts; in Christianity, as the Second Coming of Christ; in Islam, as the return of Christ, Mahdi or the Twelfth Imam; in Hinduism, as the Return of Krishna; in Buddhism, as the Fifth Buddha; and in Zoroastrianism, as the promised Shah Bahram.

Simply stated, the histories, teachings and prophesies of these great religions offer parallels far too numerous and too remarkable to be explained as mere coincidence. How can this seemingly arbitrary pattern repeat itself, age after age, in movements so widely separated by time and thinly spread by geography and culture? Does this not suggest the possibility that all of them (not merely one or two) are truly divine in origin, that their founders were each inspired by one merciful God as agents of one fast civilizing process guiding humanity towards maturity? Would it not follow that their latter-day prophecies, foreshadowing the radical transformation of society through the influence of a promised redeemer, all point to the same mysterious Figure?

It is true, religions have now become the causes of division, intolerance and hate.  However, we cannot deny the fact that each religion (whether it is Hinduism, Zoroaster, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity or Islam) has built great nations and great civilizations.  Alas, a flower once beautiful and lovely when it was blossoming has become withered and lost its beauty, without even leaving the slightest trace of its colors or fragrance.  To imagine another civilization will be built on these dead old religions would be tantamount to watering a withered dead tree and expecting it to grow.  It is like traveling New York city with its 1000 years old map.

A new Revelation is needed for the new Generation.  God has, once again, spoken through His Prophet, Bahaullah.  His message could be summarized with the following principles:

• The oneness of God.

• The oneness of religions.

• The oneness of mankind.

• Universal peace upheld by a world government.

• Independent investigation of truth.

• The common foundation of all religions.

• The essential harmony of science and religion.

• Equality of men and women.

• Elimination of prejudice of all kinds.

• Elimination of extreme of wealth and extreme of poverty.

• Universal compulsory education.

• A spiritual solution to the economic problem.

• A universal auxiliary language.

If we follow His teachings and commandments, we will have a fulfilled life, worthy of man and acceptable to God. If people had listened and lived as He instructed, had turned away from evil, had practiced love instead of hate, justice instead of oppression, most of the evil and most of the suffering would be removed from the world.

From all these factual historical records of all civilizations, we have proven the fact that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. [17]  Indeed, fools have been falsifying historical events with lies and deceptions devoid of the slightest credibility.  We have been barraged with blatant lies, fabrications, exaggerations that are out of all proportion, written without a single shred of historical proofs or convincing arguments, let alone critical analysis of them.  These kinds of critiques have their origins in fanaticism, ignorance, and/or emanate from intense hostility.  It is this kind of critique that distorts, twists and disfigures the facts by simply pointing to the Holy Verses out of their historical contexts that triggered me to write these articles that are based on historical facts. [18]  Because of these ignorant and irresponsible people, especially in a place where the followers of the two great religions are equally divided, it is easy for wars of words to be turned into wars of swords.  Their lies become even more clear with this simple question:  ‘Where is the civilization that was not triggered by religion’  They could not produce an answer to this simple question even if they all combine to assist one another.  These critics of religion have so far presented no dogmatic or historical research or evidence about the subject they claim to have knowledge of.  We are left with mere mentions of few civilizations followed by pure speculations to why these civilizations were more advanced than the others in some remote place and remote time.  One who tries to write history from a point of mere speculation is not worthy of writing history.

[1] Commissioned by The Universal House of Justice, 'Century of Light', p. 105


[3] In one event, where the Moslems were routed, a semblance of an altar was set up, round which the women gathered to sing and play their instruments, shouting encouragement to their warriors. Hind, the wife of Abu-Sufyan, whose hatred of the Muslims was overwhelming, was one of these women; she had lived for this day to see her father, her uncle, and her brother, who was killed by the Muslims in a previous war, avenged. Hamzah, in order to protect the Prophet, entered into the thick of the battle, had broken into the heart of the enemy's formations. Now Wahshi, the Ethiopian slave of Jubayr, found his chance, took an aim and hurled his javelin at the towering figure standing nearby. It struck Hamzah in the loins. He wavered and fell, and Wahshi, as he himself used to say in later years, rushed forward, pulled out his javelin from the body of the dying Hamzah and ran away to freedom. Mohammed fought bravely, received many wounds, and was carried half un-conscious from the field. The Muslims left the battlefield. The victorious women of Quraysh now went onto the battlefield to ravish the bodies of the slain. They sliced off organs, tore open abdomens, and made bracelets and necklaces of noses, ears, livers and genitals. Hind made anklets and bracelets for herself from Hamza's skin, nails, and bones. She tried to eat Hamzah's liver, but found it hard to chew. After swallowing its juice, she spitted it out. She is still remembered as 'Hind, the Eater of Liver'. --( H.M. Balyuzi, ‘Muhammad and the Course of Islam’, p. 76; see also Will Durant, ‘The Story of Civilization’, Volume 4, 'The Age of Faith' pp. 169).

[4] .  Furthermore in the same surah (chapter), it is important to note that the Qur’an clearly warns to the evildoers who burry their infant daughters alive that they will be held accountable in the Day of Judgment “...when the female (infant) buried alive - is questioned, for what crime she was killed.” (81:8-9). Moreover, Prophet Muhammad gave glad tidings to fathers of daughters, “Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favor his son over her, Allah will enter him into Paradise.” Therefore, in contrast to the period before and after Islam, Islam gave respect and status to women.

[5] See Abdu'l-Baha's “The Secret of Divine Civilization”;, pp. 7.’; See also 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:2; Esther 1:1; 8:9; Isaiah 45:1, 14; 49:12.

[6] 2 Chronicles 36: 22-23; Ezra 1:2; Ester 1:1; 8:9; Isaiah 45:1,14 49:12; Daniel. 2:487.  Read Matthew 2:1,2.

[7] Matthew 2:1–12.  See also  Persia’s religion at that time was Zoroastrian.  This shows Zoroastrian’s prophecy being fulfilled in Christianity.  This proofs the oneness of Religions.

[8] We are told that Hitler's fascination with Iran made him sent few scholars to research in the Iranian's ancient history.  Somehow he named his party Arian nation—Iran means noble people—and the Nazi's symbol, the swastika, became very similar to the symbol used the ancient Zoroastrian religion.

[9] Dr. J.E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, p. 71

[10] Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 271

[11] Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 54

[12] See Edward Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, (Everyman's Library) [Box set] (Hardcover), on the section: “Roman Empire 192-192 A.D.” pp. 105.

[13] Mat. 6:10

[14] Isaiah 2:4.

[15] John 10:16

[16] Isaiah 11:9

[17] Proverbs 1:17, 9:10; see also Qur'an 53:25.  Furthermore, the people without religion have been without progress and “knowledge” of sciences and technologies.  The peoples of Papua New Guinea, for instance, who until recent years were called cannibal islands, remained uncivilized because they never had religion or lost it after a lapse of many years.  Similarly, there are evidences of cannibalism in the history of Native Americans up until 13th century according to this Discovery Documentary Report. (DVD: 'CANNIBALISM: The Last Taboo'; See also 'Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America' by George Franklin & Feldman; 'Eat Thy Neighbor: A History of Cannibalism' by Daniel Diehl & Mark P. Donnelly).  Moreover, many of the savagery and barbarism in African continent, such as cannibalism, devil worship, and human sacrifice, was eradicated because of Christian and Muslim missionaries.  For further reading: L.E. Elliott-Binns, “Religion in the Victorian Era” (London: Lutterworth Press, 1936); Edward Blyden, “Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race” (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1967[1887]) ; “Times” (London), 8 Oct. 1887, p. 7; 31 Oct. 1887, p. 13; 17 Nov. 1887, p. 13; 31 Oct. 1887, pp. 9 & 13;  Thomas Prasch, “Which God for Africa: The Islamic-Christian Missionary Debate in Late-Victorian England,” Victorian Studies 22 (Autumn 1989): 51-73.

[18] In Geneva in 1977 and in Kingston, Jamaica in 1979, the World Council of Churches produced ‘Guidelines’ for the dealings of the churches with people of other religions, in which the churches’ traditional attitude was abandoned and the churches were called upon not to be guided by ecclesiastical ‘triumphalism’, by ‘condescension towards our fellow human beings’, by ‘an aggressive Christian militancy’, nor by ‘prejudice’, or ‘stereotyping’.  Dialogue with members of other religions should be conducted, instead, in a spirit of humility, repentance and integrity: ‘Primary importance’ should be paid to the ‘self-understanding’ of the other faith community.  ‘One of the functions of dialogue is to allow participants to describe and witness to their faith in their own terms . . . It is out of a reciprocal willingness to listen and learn that significant dialogue grows.’  In a dialogue ‘on the basis of a mutual trust and a respect for the integrity of each participant’s identity’, we are told, ‘Christians actively respond to the commandment to “love God and your neighbor as yourself” ‘, that ‘Dialogue can be recognized as a welcome way of obedience to the commandment of the Decalogue: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”  ‘The Guidelines warn against the danger ‘of interpreting a living faith not in its own terms but in terms of another faith or ideology. This is illegitimate on the principles of both scholarship and dialogue’.  For more information, read “Guidelines on Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies”, Geneva, 1979.  The selected quotes are from the Guidelines: Part I, B 14, p. 9.; 97. Part II, C 18, p. 11.; 98. Part III, 4, p. 18.