Magi, the founders of first Christmas
By Barnabas A. Yohannes
Saturday, December 17, 2002

In previous my articles, I have written extensively, with concrete historical proofs that there has never been a civilization in the history of the world, no matter how pragmatic, experimentalist and multi-form it may have been, that did not derive its thrust from some foundational interpretation of religion.(1) We've also identified the destructive forces that characterize the collapse and fall of civilizations are the consequence of refusal to answer to the expectation of a new age that is brought by a new Messenger of God.  In other words, each great civilizations of the past  fell into chaos and decline after refusing to follow the instructions of the new Messenger of God.(2

In this article we shall see not only a proof of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zoroastrian religion in the birth of Jesus Christ, we shall also see the link between these two religions and the oneness of their teachings.  Moreover, we shall see the great civilizations they found and, at the conclusion, the conclusion of what makes Christians distinguished from others.

Christmas is the day of commemoration of the Birth of Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ.  He is indeed one of the greatest men to have ever lived in this planet.  Even kings up until the present day will testify to His greatness and majesty.

The magi, as you may know, were the three wise men who came from the East to bring gifts to Jesus Christ, the Babe in the manger.  They were the first to recognize Jesus as a King of Kings.  They also invented the art of giving Christmas presents. 

In the Gospel according to Mathew, these Magi said: “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east and are come to worship Him!” (2:2).  When the hour of the Revelation of Jesus drew nigh, three of the Magi, aware that the star of Jesus that had appeared in heaven, they sought and followed it, till they came unto the city which was the seat of the Kingdom of Herod.  The control of Herod's rule in those days embraced the whole of that land.  When they had searched, they found out that it was in Bethlehem, in the land of Judea, that the Child had been born.  The star they followed was the sign that was seen in the visible heaven. As to the sign in the invisible heaven—the heaven of divine knowledge and understanding—it was John the Baptist, son of Zachariah, who gave unto the people the tidings of the Manifestation of Jesus.  In the Bible it is written: “John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent ye: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”(3

This shows that these “Magi from the east" that "came to Jerusalem”,  knew the identity of the one whom they sought, the time and the place of His arrival .  And God used a spectacular stellar event, that was prophecies in their books, to get their attention and to get them moving.  What is the most striking about this passage is the hope the magi placed in the coming the King.  Consider their sacrifice of time, energy, and treasures in seeking Him out for the sake of bowing in worship to Him.

The information given in Mathew is not sufficiently detailed to unequivocally identify the wise men and the nature of the star that led them in their search for the King of the Jews.  However, most reasonable explanation for the wise men given by the many scholars indicate that they were Zoroastrian priests.  Moreover, Miriam Webster Dictionary defines Magi ("wise men") as "A caste of priests and sages among the ancient Persians."

They were believed to have been Zoroastrians from Persia.  Two of the wise men are known by the scholars to have been Persians, however, the third one of them was a black, from Abyssinian origin.

Zoroaster (flourished circa 600 BC)  proclaimed a religion of lofty moral ideals based on the principle, "Do good, hate evil".  For Him there was only one God, represented by purifying fire.  In the New Testament of the Bible, there is similar symbolic terms used for acceptance of God as with Fire. (4) The influence of Zoroastrianism is also certainly traceable in many other religions.

Under this religion, the Persian Magi became Zoroastrian priests.  Within Zoroastrian prophecy they were expecting of a “Future Savior”, someone who would be born of a virgin.  A remarkable prophecy attributed to Zoroaster runs:

"You, my children, shall be the first honoured by the manifestation of that divine person who is to appear in the world.  A star shall go before you to conduct you to the place of His nativity, and when you shall find Him, present to Him your oblations and sacrifices, for He is indeed your Lord and an everlasting King."

This prophecy was certainly known to the author(s) of the "Arabic Gospel of the Infancy". (5)  In this particular document we read: "... magi came from the East to Jerusalem as Zeraduscht [Zoroaster] had predicted." This prophecy could well have been known to the writer(s) of the nativity story in Matthew's gospel.  

E. F. Burgess, in his Explicator article titled “T.S. Eliot's 'Journey of the  Magi',” bases the magi's "satisfactory" journey in conditions of a prophecy hundreds of years before. Burgess first notes that the Magi were not Kings but priests: "holy Zoroastrian astronomers who followed the signs of the heavens. 'Yonder Star' the Magi followed was a sign prophesied 600 years before by Zoroaster.  The prophecy not only described the celestial occurrence, but also specifically named Bethlehem as the birthplace of the new prophet." 

Burgess then offers a reinterpretation of the "satisfaction" image in the poem: "it simply means that every condition of the prophecy was met, leaving the alienated Magus (plural of Magi), a priest no more, secure in his knowledge of Zoroaster's truth, and in that knowledge stranded, suspended between the realization and the consummation of God's plan".  Burgess suggests that with the prophecy met, the old magus was satisfied in Zoroaster's truth.

As it was mentioned elsewhere, it was Zoroastrian religion that made the Persians the first most civilized people in the known world.(6)  As attested by many chronicles of the world's most illustrious historians, the first government to be established on earth, the foremost empire to be organized among the nations, was Persia's throne and diadem.  Aside from that which is a matter of record in Persian histories, it is also stated in the Old Testament that in the time of Cyrus, called in Iranian works Bahman son of Isfandíyár, the three hundred and sixty divisions of the Persian Empire extended from the inner confines of India and China to the farthermost reaches of Yemen and Abyssinia.(7)  Zoroastrian priests, (also called Magi or "wise men" from East), were also mentioned in Daniel --Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who served as wise-men/advisors in the royal court of Babylon, with Daniel in charge of them all.(8)

Having seen the civilization built by Zoroastrian religion, of Jesus' founding civilizations little need be said before this is wrapped.  When the Roman Empire collapsed, upon His shoulders, Christianity rose from its rubble and then the Greek and the Roman civilizations were born and flourished first throughout Europe and later spread throughout the rest of the world. After first stirring  a spiritual revolution in some parts of Europe by the hands of the little as yet unnoticed band of Christian missionaries(9),  it culminated in establishment of the greatest civilizations throughout that continent.  A civilization which has contributed so richly to the development of American civilization and to the origin of American culture. (10)

Moreover, it was after a direct result of Jesus' teachings that Europe became the mother of Christendom and the scene of the greatest exploits of the followers of Jesus Christ, that is, following the footsteps of His disciples, for two thousand years, Christians from Europe have enlightened countless human beings and given their lives a goal, a meaning and a mainstay.  Moreover, the innumerable works of active Christian charity which no historian has recorded, the devotion, the selfless acts of mercy which were carried out in the name of Christ, and the evidence of a brilliant cultures are just few to mention.  To go into detail of the countless philanthropic works of Christians is beyond the scope and purpose of this small article. Were the details to be mentioned, this article would swell into a book of many volumes.(11)

One of the most fascinating stories of Christmas took place during world war I.  Out the many touching stories that came out of the darkest days of that war, the most  poignant of them is the story of "Christmas Truce".  On the day of Christmas, the powerful impulse of Christmas celebration had briefly moved British and German soldiers to leave the slaughterhouse of their trenches to commemorate together the birth of Christ, leaving their differences and celebrating the oneness of the human race.(12)

Please allow me to say few words from the Bible before I stop.  As we commemorate the Birth of Christ, let us remember the poor, the staved, and the unclothed people in Eritrea.  As described above, historically, what makes Christians distinguishable from others is their giving and their philanthropic deeds and services to humanity, for Jesus had said these lofty words to describe His followers:

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?  Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:  I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?  Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.(13)

Best Christmas wishes to all of you!


1. For example, the national flag parallels to the cross; the national anthem parallels to the religious hymn; the recital of pledge of allegiance parallels to the Lord’s Prayer.  Indeed, all social grouping have a form of religious foundation.  Even in the modern world, where the tie of the state and religion is not so strong, there exists some form of reinterpreted civil religion that must act as a substitute.  In Nazi Germany, the civil theology was based upon a nationalist and racist mythology.  Marxism is a civil religion with a civil theology that also sees itself as leading the world towards social salvation.  In United States it is 'democracy' that  is the key doctrine of civil theology, which is essentially a mythology.  

2.  Read my other article "The mysterious forces of civilizations" from archives.

3. Matthew 3:1-2. Moreover, in the Quran, it is revealed: “God announceth Yahya [i.e. John] to thee, who shall bear witness unto the Word from God, and a great one and chaste” ( Qur’án 3:39).  By the term “Word” is meant Jesus, Whose coming Yahya foretold.

4. See Mathew 3:11 and Luke 3:16  

5. An apocryphal gospel of Catholic origin, the early Fathers of the Church, beginning with Clement of Alexandria, circa 600 CE

6.  We are told that Hitler's fascination with Iran made him sent few scholars to research on Iranian ancient history.  Somehow he named his party Arian nation—Iran means noble 

 7.  2 Chronicles 36: 22-23; Ezra 1:2; Ester 1:1; 8:9; Isaiah 45:1,14; 49:12

8.  Daniel. 2:48

9.  Frederick Nietzsche rightly asserts, "It is the stillest words which bring storm.  Thoughts that come with dove's footsteps guide the world."  ("Thus spake Zarathustra", 'The stillest Hour', part III, p. 162).  The Qur'an also says, "How oft, by God's will, hath a small host vanquished a numerous hosts"(2:230). 

10. Although Christianity is the predominant religion in United Stated, a formal separation of religion and state is laid down in the Constitution.  However, in that same Constitution, God is referred to several times.  Indeed, the whole tone of public life in the United States is soaked in Biblical imagery and parallels.

11.  For example, all the schools and hospitals in our courtiers and in almost all other third world courtiers were built by the Churches.  Of course, there are people who go through the history of the church with a waste-bin in their hands, picking up all the rubbish which has accumulated there: forced baptism, autodafé, the wars of the Crusades, the persecution of the Jews, witch hunts, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve and the Te Deum which followed it, and much more. These dreadful deeds were indeed committed and they have blackened the annals of the Christian religion.  However, all these selfless works mentioned here cannot be outweighed by the disastrous misdeeds of misdirected fanatics.  Moreover, the misuse of a thing does not disprove the thing itself; the misuse of the concept of God and of His religion does not reduce to absurdity of that which we call God.  For further discussion on this subject, read  " The Imperishable Dominion" by Udo Schaefer.

12.  Although the “Christmas truce” involved principally British and German soldiers, French and Belgian troops also participated: BBC News, Online Network Summary of Brown, Malcolm and Shirley Seaton, “Christmas Truce”. 

 13.  Mathew 25:34-46

For complete story of the gospel according to Mathew that relates the story of the three wise men, read:

For the brief history of Zoroastrian prophecy of Christ's birth by Father Gregory Ace's latest article on the history of the Nativity.  Father Gregis is from St. Margaret Mary Church in Woodbridge Ontario, Canada.

The history of "Zoroasterianism" search the Encarta Encyclopedia:

For more information on the meaning of magi